Tegor BIO 82, 30 ml

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Nosodes and homeopathic remedy  
DESCRIPTION BIO 82 | Fungal infection, Candida albicans Beneficial in the treatment of systemic yeast infections and vaginal yeast infections, where the patient presents with symptoms of fatigue, irritability, unclear thinking, an inability to concentrate and general dissatisfaction, a craving for sweets, flatulence; allergic sensitivities also increase. Internal fungal infections including: chronic sinus infections, not related to allergic conditions, oral candidiasis (thrush), earache with itching of the ear canal. Superficial fungal infections including: ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, white flaky skin on hands and feet, white discoloration of the nail beds, and other dermatological fungal infections. MODE OF ACTION Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Penicillinum: These ingredients provide antigenic or nosodal relief, by stimulating the defense mechanism of the body. In our research, blood was taken from 10 healthy individuals and microscopically examined, upon exposure to fungal cells. The white blood cells were then monitored, for migratory speed towards the fungal cell, and the time and effectiveness of phagocytosis. The nosodes of these fungi were subsequently administered to the participants. Thirty minutes later blood was retaken, and the white blood cell efficacy remeasured. In all cases, the white blood cells were 25% to 30% faster and more efficient in the destruction of the fungal cells. Chlamydia trachomatis: For antigenic (nosodal) stimulation and treatment of rickettsial infection; the homeopathic blockage of the chlamydospore stage (latent) of Candida growth. Echinacea: Lymph cleanser and immune system fortifier. Tecoma radicans: Most potent antifungal herb known. Zincum metallicum: For relief of unclarity of the mind and the inability to concentrate. Stimulant for nutritional absorption of zinc, a key nutrient in the activation of the immune system. INGREDIENTS Aspergillus niger D30, Candida albicans D12, Chlamydia trachomatis D30, Echinacea D12, Penicillinum D30, Tecoma radicans D30, Zincum metallicum D10. Non-medicinal ingredients: ethanol, purified water. DOSAGE Adults and children > 12 years 5-10 drops 3 times daily in a little water or undiluted, or as directed by a health care practitioner.