Nutribiotic Sodium Ascorbate Powder, 454g

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NutriBiotic® Sodium Ascorbate is a non-bitter, non-acidic, fully reacted, buffered, crystalline powder combining 100% pharmaceutical grade vitamin C and sodium in a highly soluble form.

Vitamin C and sodium are essential nutrients that help support the body. Vitamin C provides antioxidant protection to the immune system, as well as maintains the health of blood vessels, tissue, cartilage, bones, eyes, and other organ systems.* Vitamin C is also required for the biosynthesis of collagen, L-carnitine, and neurotransmitters.* Sodium is an electrolyte that helps maintain the balance of water in and around cells, maintain stable blood pressure, and is important for muscle and nerve function.* The combined positive effects of vitamin C and sodium make them vital to the body’s overall health. Each serving supplies 1100 mg of vitamin C and 120 mg of sodium.

NutriBiotic Sodium Ascorbate is manufactured by dissolving L-ascorbic acid with sodium hydrogen carbonate mined from the earth. The sodium in this

As a dietary supplement, mix 1/4 teaspoon or more into a glass of juice or water. Take with or without meals.