Nia Pure Nature Organic Beetroot Powder, 200g

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DESCRIPTION Beetroot Powder is a rich source of a wide range of potent vitamins, minerals, and potent plant compounds. It makes Beetroot powder truly a nutritional powerhouse. These benefits of Beetroot powder are mainly due to naturally high amounts of nitrates found in it. Our 100% pure and organic Beetroot powder can help you boost your stamina and athletic performance. It can also significantly improve your endurance levels, optimize blood flow, promote healthy glowing skin, support heart health, eliminate toxins, improve digestive health, and immunity. Our 100% pure and organic Beetroot powder is jam-packed with some of the most potent nutrients, but it’s also irresistibly delicious. Top-notch in quality, Nia Pure Nature’s beetroot is organically certified. It has an incredible taste and mixes exceptionally well. INGREDIENTS 100% Organic Beetroot  Powder SUGGESTED USE Mix one serving into water or in your smoothies, juices, shakes, gravies, sauces, soups, and dips or sprinkle on top of your food.