Kidz Reflux, 25ml

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DESCRIPTION Aethusa cynapium : Acute milk intolerance in infants, early or late vomiting. Refuses to drink. Antimonium crudum : Abundant vomiting after a big meal. Eructation, distaste for food. Asa foetida : Esophageal spasm inhibiting swallowing. Regurgitations, difficult burping, flatulence. Spasms. Magnesia carbonica : Milk intolerance: diarrhea, vomiting. Gastralgia, colic. Valeriana officinalis : Esophageal and digestive spasms. Curdled milk vomiting in agitated infants. INGREDIENTS Aethusa cynapium 6CH, Antimonium crudum 6CH, Asa foetida 6CH, Magnesia carbonica 6CH, Valeriana officinalis 3DH Non medicinal ingredients: Purified water, sorbitol, glycerin, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, citric acid. DIRECTIONS To be taken orally. To be taken 15 minutes before meal. Newborn 1 – 6 months: 5 drops, 4 to 5 times a daily. Children 7 months and older: 5 to 10 drops, 4 to 5 times a daily. To be taken directly under the tongue with the dropper or to melt with some water before drinking.