Jardins Catnip, 50 ml

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Traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve nervousness, digestive spasms and flatulent dyspepsia. Fresh organic extract  
DESCRIPTION: Antispasmodic, Calming and sedative, Carminative, Digestive stimulant, Promotes sweating, Febrifuge TO CONSIDER: Its antispasmodic and carminative effects relieve stomach pains, hiccups, indigestion and diarrhea in babies. It can be used safely in both infants and children. Catnip is a soft sedative plant which does not promote drowsiness. This alkaline plant can be used safely externally (friction) to relieve rheumatism and arthritis, the itching associated to measles / chicken pox. INGREDIENT: Catnip (Nepeta cataria) organic fresh aerial parts 1:2 500 mg/ml. Non-medicinal ingredients: 50% organic ethyl alcohol. DOSAGE: Adults: 30 drops in a little water 3-4 times daily.