Jardins Ashwagandha, 50 ml

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Traditionally used in Ayurveda as Rasayana (rejuvenative and regenerator tonic) for memory enhancement, decreasing the general weakness, especially during convalescence or old age, as a sleep aid and to balance the aggravated Vata (nervine tonic, sedative).
DESCRIPTION Properties: Adaptogenic, Antioxidant, Hepatprotective, SedativE, Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, Diuretic, Hypotensor, Immunomodulating, Antiaging andHormonal regulator TO CONSIDER: Allergy to plants of the same family such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, tomatillo, peppers, wolfberry, gooseberry. Avoid using in presence of hemochromatosis. Avoid using in presence of hyperthyroidism. INGREDIENT: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) organic fresh root 1:2 500 mg/ml. Non-medicinal ingredients: 50% organic ethyl alcohol. DOSAGE: Adults: 30 drops in a little water 2-4 times daily.