Dr. Reckeweg R187, 50ml

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R187 | Neuralgic head pain, otitis media, glaucoma, toothache Indications Neuralgic pains in the area of the head, originating in the ears and teeth; trigeminal neuralgia. Mode of action With different action focus, they influence neuralgic pains occurring in the area of the head, eyes, ears, teeth. Belladonna: Organotropic relation to the cerebrospinal nervous system. Main symptoms are, among others, sudden intense complaints, head congestion, dry-hot skin, shooting pains, all occurring periodically. Colocynthis: Functiotropic relation to the peripheral nerves. Attacks of neural pains, piercing, twitching, flashlike and lasting from several minutes to hours, numbness. Spigelia anthelmia: Organotropic relation to the nervous system. The main symptoms are, among others, neuralgic pains with pronounced deterioration during the day, burning, piercing, mainly unilaterally, skin and hair sensitive to the touch, periodicity of the symptoms. Remedies to be considered For inflammation: R1 Trigeminal and facial neuralgia: R70 Toothaches: R35 or R35 JUNIOR or BC-23 Neuralgic pains: R81 Ingredients Belladonna D8 3.33 g, Colocynthis D6 3.33 g, Spigelia D6 3.33 g. Non-medicinal ingredients: ethanol, purified water. Dosage Adults and children 12 years and older, acute cases: 5-10 drops daily up to a maximum of 12 times daily; in chronic cases 5-10 drops 3 times daily in a little water or undiluted, or as directed by a health care practitioner. Cautions and warnings Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms persist or worsen. For more information please consult your health care practitioner.