Biotics Research BioFiber Complete,

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Quantity: 30 Servings per container, Serving Size 15 g (one scoop) 3 g protein 5 g fibre per scoop Description: BioFiber™ Complete is a complete fiber supplement that contains a combination of fibers derived from whole seeds, fruits, vegetables and roots, designed to upregulate the health of the microbiome. While most fiber products contain only extracted fibers, BioFiber™ Complete provides healthy fats and protein, which complement the soluble and insoluble fibers in regenerating the health of the microbiome. In addition, research is pointing to new mechanisms of action by which a diet high in fiber fosters overall health; the digestion of fiber by the gut bacteria creates metabolites that act as signaling molecules in the regulation of appetite, body weight and glucose metabolism.⁽2) Please click on: Attachments for literature piece