Bio Lonreco Royal Jelly +, Drinkable ampoules | 20 x 10 ml

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Antioxidant for the maintenance of good health Helps to maintain and to support cardiovascular health
DESCRIPTION Royal jelly is known for its rich source of amino acids, carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids, along with B-vitamins. Hence it is used as a general health tonic; for fighting the effects of stress and aging; and for additional immune support. It has also been shown to lower total serum cholesterol levels and provide cardiovascular support. Bio Lonreco Inc.’s Royal Jelly + is a formulation used to support the strengthening of the cardiovascular system and maintaining proper cholesterol levels. It contains a rich source of royal jelly along with other synergistic nutrients, including Reishi, Policosanol, Omega-3, and CoQ10, to increase vitality and heart function. Studies have found that royal jelly has the ability to lower total serum cholesterol levels in people with moderately elevated cholesterol levels. Royal jelly biochemically speaking is very complex. It contains approximately 12% protein, 5-6% lipids, 12-15% carbohydrates and around 15% aspartic acid, which is important for tissue growth, muscle and cell regeneration. Its B-vitamin content is high, and with 17 amino acids, including all 8 essential amino acids, sugars, sterols and phosphorus compounds, it is a nutritious hormone-rich substance with a wide spectrum of potential benefits. The amino acids in royal jelly may in fact be the primary source of royal jelly benefits. Royal jelly is the only natural source of pure acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is needed to transmit nerve messages from cell to cell. It contains gamma globulin, known to stimulate the immune system and fight off infections. Royal jelly is also rich in nucleic acids, RNA and DNA. Gelatin, another significant component, is one of the precursors of collagen. Royal jelly is often used in conditions such as: high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic hepatitis, and fatigue. Coenzyme Q10 is known as ubiquinone, is an enzyme produced naturally in the human body, found in every cell and tissue, notably in the heart, mucous membranes of the gums and stomach. It is involved in a number of biological functions including helping to produce energy, neutralizing free radicals, and keeping cells both inside the body and in the skin healthy. Various factors such as aging and stress can lower levels of CoQ10. As a result, the ability of cells to regenerate and withstand stress declines. It has been noted that patients suffering from cardiac problems, certain forms of cancer, gum disease, high blood pressure, and muscular problems have lower levels of CoQ10. Certain types of medication can reduce CoQ10 levels in the body as well. Policosanol is a mixture of alcohols that occur naturally in the sugar cane plant. Policosanol exerts antioxidant effects and it controls the liver’s production and breakdown of cholesterol. Research shows that Policosanol may lower serum cholesterol levels, reduce platelet aggregation, prevent and reverse atherosclerotic lesions and thrombosis and as an antioxidant it works to prevent LDL oxidation. Reishi mushrooms have been used in Japan and China since ancient times to help restore the body’s natural state. Reishi helps all organs to function properly, maintain a healthy immune system, and works to help lower blood pressure, provide essential vitamins and minerals, promote liver health and support healthy nerve function. Fish oil, Eicosapentainoic acid (EPA) is a w-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acid obtained from cold-water fatty fish that plays an important role in the regulation of biological functions and prevention and treatment of a number of human diseases such as heart and inflammatory conditions. DHA contains substances called protectins and resolvins which posses potent anti-inflammatory and immuno-regulatory actions. Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with many health benefits, including protection against heart disease and stroke, relieving symptoms related to rheumatoid arthritis, depression, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, psoriasis, helping prevent allergies, asthma and eczema. Royal Jelly + is a formulation with potent antioxidant action to promote good health and aids in the maintenance and support of cardiovascular health. INGREDIENTS | 10 ML CONTAINS Coenzyme Q10…30 mg, Royal jelly (apis mellifera – secretion)… 1500 mg, Policosanol (policosanol, saccharum   officinarum – wax)… 20 mg, Reishi (ganoderma lucidum, whole) (1:1)… 200 mg, Fish oil (salmonidae, whole) (18% EPA, 12% DHA))… 93 mg Non-medicinal ingredients: Purified water, lemon flavour, potassium sorbate, polysorbate 80, polidocanol. DOSAGE Adults: Drink one ampoule (10 ml) daily before breakfast on an empty stomach or as directed by a health care practitioner. May be diluted in a glass of water. Shake well before use.